Yuna Yang - New York Fashion Week Fall 2014

March 6, 2014

The designer Yuna Yang’s fashion show was the last one I attended on my first day of New York Fashion Week. The designer presented her fall 2014 collection at Alvin Alley American Dance Theater. The collection entitled “Butterfly Mother” was inspired by the Miao culture, an ethnic group from southwest China.  The collection was a mix of prints and boyish cuts with feminine embellishments. Black lace was juxtaposed against bright neon silks, ornamented sweaters with midi silk skirts, silk dresses with slouchy socks paired with sneakers, and vibrant blue dresses.

O desfile da estilista Yuna Yang foi o último que assisti no meu primeiro dia de New York Fashion Week. A estilista apresentou sua coleção de outono/inverno 2014 no dia 06 de Fevereiro no Alvin Alley American Dance Theater. A coleção entitulada “Butterfly Mother”  foi inspirada na cultura Miao, um grupo étnico do sudoeste da China. A estilista apresentou uma coleção com um mix de estampas, cortes masculinos e enfeites femininos. Tinha renda preta justaposta sobre tecidos de seda neon, blusas ornamentadas com saias de seda midi, vestidos de seda com meias e sapatilhas e vestidos azuis vibrantes.

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