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Giselle shows off her Brazilian beauty for Roberto Cavalli Italian Fashion Designer - 40th Anniversary campaign. She is as beautiful as ever!
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Fashion Trends deste Outono:
- A estampa de oncinha volta com toda a força neste outono 2010 Hemisfério Norte. Pelo menos uma pecinha, que seja um cinto, uma lecinho, vale a pena adquirir.
- Para quem gosta de legging, esta legging rendada também deverá uma peça MUST HAVE desta estação.
- Os ankle boots nem se fala néam!
- Animal Print is the key for the season here in the North Hemisphere. You must have at least one piece in your wardrobre.
- For those who like to wear leggings. The lace leggings are the MUST HAVE for the season.
- The ankle boots are back again this season!
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